jeudi, mars 14, 2013

magistrates, confidence, social segregation,

magistrates, confidence, social segregationThe reference text is in French.Paris, Tuesday, March 12, 2013

President of the RepublicTo good care. ThanMr. BESNARDChief of StaffMadam AttorneyThe care ofMr. Christian VigourouxChief of StaffMr. Prosecutorin Paris

Your ref. : PDR/SCP/CDO/AES/AO05882N. No.:a-Letter of March 1, 2013b-The text preparatory to the meeting of March 6, 2013c-Letter Wednesday, March 6, 2013Subject: Judiciary and trust

Mr. President,To carry out its responsablités, Mr. Prosecutor has no need of this detour by a Peacekeeper clearly constrained by its hierarchical assujetissements.I'm tired of suffering the contempt and hatred of having to fight a dishonest business, whenever I enter in connection with officials. I saturate.What I experienced is similar to a humiliating and degrading treatment, as every time I make a statement. And in all cases it is to create a barrier to justice. When these systems fail deposition by traffic, they collide, they torture, they threaten death.A police chief came especially to places of torture for me to say, "This time it is a warning. The next time it will be much more serious. " It was making me withdraw, in full agreement and coordination with Mr. Prosecutor, complaints of rape, criminal conspiracy to defraud the mentally ill in favor of thugs backed by the police. The Supreme Court eventually cover everything a forgery of public documents. Without America, of course.I'm used to. I was raped twice, robbed, beaten, tortured, etc.. I have never been treated differently, or in a police or a judge or a court. I know that the Office for criminals and monitor thanks to all these cases.We are in the regular class justice in the broadest sense of the term Basic. Judge Salas-researcher has served publicly in an article in the newspaper Le Parisien, in October 2007, my place in the debate on the legal qualification of certain acts of Mr. Sarkozy.According to this discourse, there are classes that are not legally allowed to watch other classes, or castes, social. Because some are superior and the other inferior. These can not hope to understand what the first. The questions that the inferiors submit to justice for superior merely disturbing public order and harming respectable people whose country badly needs.In this regard, I have demonstrated previously that the requirement would be made to Mr. Sarkozy to answer questions posed by the court on the subject submitted to it will not hurt his career elective. The facts are clear, voters do not reflect little or summonses or convictions, judicial in their votes.Circumstance may seem exceptional. Senior judges appointed for several years have the distinction of having sworn allegiance often public Sarkozy. It had never been seen in the Republic.As follows:Mr. a-prosecutor of Nanterre was openly accused by unions of judges favoritism to Mr Sarkozy on the case of her apartment in 2007.b-Recently, 16/01/13 The Chained Duck has suggested that if Mr. Paris prosecutor opened a preliminary investigation against a Minister in office, it was only as a career move.In this regard, the newspaper reproduced the words of the judges of the Court of Appeal. See article attached.Mr. prosecutor in Paris opened this investigation the Minister on the exercise of faith only charges a newspaper website. In the absence of any direct evidence.In one case, it runs the risk of destabilizing the government of France on the basis of rumors spread by a newspaper's website.In either case, it does not respond to a request based on criminal acts and never publicly affirmed denials.Why?1 - The personality of Mr. Sarkozy, his place in the political game are important. Minister but exercise is also an important personality.2 - The difference between the holders of class information is also taken into account. Judges are not ashamed to refer publicly Médiapart and journalist. By cons, they consider it degrading to respond to the request of a litigant who has not even afford the services of a lawyer.Hatred of magistrates to the poor, the simple, the mentally ill, the vulnerable, is now a factor in judicial policy.In 2012, judges ruled legal, professional, ethical rules according to judges, that one of them gauze mentally ill in crisis under its protection. It has not been removed from the profession.For my part, with the exception of the President of the Criminal Chamber of 14 ° Paris, I have not met a single judge who does not share this feudal contempt. I saw, in person, three prosecutors, judges intruction 2, 3 Presidents House, 6 associate justices. Most everyone I joined in letters and procedures. All, with one exception reported, have linked their work to social discrimination, even to forfeiture. He is two rapes, theft by public servant, the control of a vulnerable family, torture, false on all floors, etc..When counsel for the poor, I will mention only two cases that summarize other.The first-a lawyer, a friend who is proposed volunteer. It agreed with the opposing party, the police, the prosecution, the court, to protect rapists and try to eliminate his client. These rapists are merchants, property owners, I was penniless. His career was with them. I had to flee and take refuge in Paris. Office Affairs and Pardons criminals became involved in the case.b-In the case of Neuilly apartment of Mr. Sarkozy. An international lawyer who is normal to judge the African Heads of State said: "I do not have time, I have a plane to catch." A lawyer told his sister to me: "I will never take such a case. I do not want to lose all my trial. "All the rest to match. The forfeiture, threat, are also in the Cabinets.It is characteristic that even when judges found themselves secured to a thug does not pay for damages caused by a mentally handicapped and her husband, a vulnerable person. As judges are powerful people, he was accompanied by the police, the Bar, the Office of Legal Aid, a bailiff.This case is a tiny crucial experiment because judges have shown there unable to implement a court decision.The decision of the President of the 14th Criminal Chamber of Paris was considered a skid judiciary. The prosecution has forced the magistrate to meet 4 times the court of first instance. The prosecutor wanted to obtain the release of one thug charged and the indictment of vulnerable complainants. This magistrate to eventually certify its decision by a coup, or anger, as you wish.For judges, judicial decision in favor of the weak is a joke illegitimate. Solidarity with the rogue who enslave the poor, the weak, the mentally ill, is the continuity of legitimate public action.Representatives of public authorities gave thugs in livestock, parade ground, a mentally handicapped, her husband, her children, their apartment. They continued this association until villainous allow these thugs to continue their prey in one province. Law enforcement has been there to serve them. The aim of the operation was the installation of these thugs as such in society. Tenants using instead of spoliation, fuse judicial and prison.Those who have not seen it can not understand why the public authorities now have to compete with the scum of all kinds of "Territories of the Republic", concrete or abstract, to use the expression goes.Today, the failure of this policy is publicly visible public, the news of 20H. Here are three examples that delivers the news.Three types of rankings without more:a-Incidentally, the audience learns that Meillac (35), the Headmaster child abuser had been in 2007-2208, a complaint of sexual assault against a child. The case was dismissed. The child and his parents were not to the social weight vis-à-vis the representative of the school, state institution. The teacher has become quite normally Director. It remains only to make a monster and start with other rankings without consequences. What is the problem?b-A policeman has denounced the BAC Marseilles. He was expelled for having signed a PV instead of another colleague. What all colleagues. A year later, his denunciations proved accurate and the BAC was dissolved in the scandal. With this exception, that the administration and justice were mobilized at the request of dealers. A police officer condemns fellow thugs, it is removed. The spokesman denounced dealers the same colleagues, it is understood. Where is the problem?c-The first anniversary of the crime Mr. Merah in Marignane, a man was arrested for making explosives and terrorism. The interviews reveal that the neighbors have filed 13 complaints about two years. They were dismissed and emerged on the anniversary of the case Merah. And then?This case of alleged rape by Mr. Sarkozy has within it the question of the relationship of the judiciary to the French people.The alleged rape is:-A meeting was intimate perversions of its author. To each his own. Everyone does not fault service.b-mark that the French people, their representatives, are boot managers of the Executive Branch. "That's why your daughter is dumb! "(Molière's Tartuffe)A c-invite the State executives to think so. This is why it is plausible that Mr. Sarkzy has placed in his way an MP and not a civilian.Sarkozy, Head of State, establishes a state policy of division between privileged populations and enslaved populations. Administrative policy necessarily follows.The issue of compensation for victims mentioned above, about which I have made proposals in the past, tells us that the crime reported by Mrs. William is not the result of people isolated. It tends to be systemic.The question here is that of trust. If justice was at least able to enforce its own decisions under the universal right, we could say that what is not seen this time will be another. We know that will not happen.The legal debate has its place in both public affairs for the alleged rape and that for a possible witness tampering. As thousands of French, I'm just giving judges the means to act.Please accept, Mr. President, the assurances of my highest consideration,Marc Salomone

PS:a-Article 16.1.13 of Chained Duckb-This March 12, I see the disappearance of a key named USB on my computer fixed.

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