vendredi, février 22, 2013

Silence, crime, Sarkozy

Silence, crime, Sarkozy
The reference text is in French

Paris, Thursday, February 21, 2013

Copy to:President of the RepublicMadam Attorney
Your Ref. 12/00 282 (quoted in all correspondence)
N. No. : -1 - Wednesday, July 4, 2012. Article Chained Duck.2 - Thursday, July 19, 2012, article in the Nouvel Observateur.3 - Thursday, July 19, 2012. Letter to Mr. Prosecutor.4 - Thursday, July 19, 2012. Letter to the President of the Republic.5 - Friday, July 27, 2012, Addendum.6 - Friday, July 27. Letter to the President of the Republic7 - Monday, November 12, 2012. Letter to Mr. Prosecutor8 - Monday, November 12, 2012. Letter to the President of the Republic9 - Thursday, November 29, 2012. Letter to Mr. ProsecutorCopies to the President of the Republic and the Minister of Justice Ms.10 - Monday, December 3, 2012. Letter to Mr. ProsecutorCopies to the President of the Republic and the Minister of Justice Ms.11 - Friday, January 11, 2013. Letter to Mr. ProsecutorCopies to the President of the Republic and the Minister of Justice Ms.

Subject: silence and crime

Mr. Prosecutor,
1) - The rule of lawInvestigate a possible rape Sarkozy, in the exercise of its functions, within the confines of the Elysium, necessarily meeting is personally encounter any worry President and all future candidates. Beyond that, it is the executive branch that intéroge the purposes of this legal curiosity.
Is this an excuse for evasion and more to solidarity? No.
Mr. Sarkzoy brought potentialities feudal status Head of State of the Fifth Republic to a level that raises constitutional issues and judicial.
Among the Presidents who preceded him at least three were the hot rabbits.
However, nobody has ever considered a President during a ceremony at the Elysee Palace, requires an MP, also in the exercise of his duties, sucks dick, as we say in these places. Fellatio is for medical offices, after the pass.
In fact, Mr. Sarkzoy transformed the grant requested by a member for payment of a password. Hence, he transformed the MP as a prostitute, the Elysée brothel. He became a pimp.
Mr. Sarkozy does not merely use his status for the truss pig. He took the party to include rape among the regulatory standards of the relationship between the President and Parliament, and beyond between representatives of the executive branch and the public.
Nowhere, rape, sexual practices enters an ordinary or extraordinary statesman. It is never right activity. This activity can be a fact. In this case, it is subject to the rule of law, which in France is a crime.
Mr Sarkozy must explain that imposes grant privileges to personnel administration or concentration camp torturers standard operation of the State
It should also explain that does not meet the justice of the alleged rape because of a principle of inequality right of French citizens according to their social status, whether they challenge the justice, or that the action of it concerns them.

It would not, at least de facto, some to ask for justice. By cons, others would be provided to answer the questions of the so-called justice. Which does not in fact pose these questions because people prohibited from questioning.
The Judge Salas researcher fully developed doctrine of justice census.
Mr. Sarkozy would not have to answer for his actions on behalf of the legal inequality between him and his accuser. He would not have to account for its possible fault on behalf of a legal privilege.
However, the wrongdoing is the use of the exercise of a power that fits right in the recognition of the equality of all men before the law.
This equality holds for Mr Sarkozy as well as for the one who submitted this issue to justice. Mr Sarkozy is not excused from answering a question of justice. Mr. Salomone is not allowed to ask for justice.
But when Mr. Sarkozy should he give this explanation and that in the first place? A justice.
2) - Legal action
I want to return here to examine the validity for judges to consider crime given to Mr. Sarkozy and the opportunity to do so.
1 - The legitimacy of the judicialThe ability of judges to consider this information lies primarily in the legal status of this singular rape. The alleged rape of this woman is ispso facto rape of a Member of the constitution, and intervention in the organization of public authorities.
The rape of a woman by a President is usually a fact civil. It may be decided that it should not interfere with the action of the State and it falls within the powers of the Head of State and his immunity. This is also the opinion of Dr. William and feminists.
It remains no less than what is legally a crime and must say that the Judiciary agreed if applicable.

But this woman has specific legal characteristics.-It is a member.b-It is present as such, for a function under this title; begging for a grant.c-It is requested for the sexual obligation as a parliamentarian.Her sexual assault by the Head of the Executive Power organizes a clash between the executive power and the legislature.
Humanly disqualify an MP by his submission to the President, is to exclude members of government, parliament subordinate to the Executive Branch, so the administration, to ensure the exclusivity of the public authority of the executive branch alone Administrations.
The silence leaves court during the mechanical consequences of the rape on the organization of the government action. They legitimize all forms of arbitrary personal relationships of state officials and the public.
Justice must say:a-Si acts existed.b-If the rape of a woman is lawfulc-If the immunity of the Head of State restores the droit de seigneurd-If the executive branch dominates the Legislature right.If this e-governmental organization based in disqualification of the French to the representatives of executive power is consistent with the principles of the Republic and National Sovereignty.
Lack of judicial response, each considered the judiciary endorsed the practical consequences of this feudal presidential initiative in the reports of representatives of the Executive and administered.
2 - The opportunity of legal action
This case of alleged rape involved in the organization of public life and French administrative. It has also been designed for this purpose.
A-Political partiesMr Sarkozy is that he would seek the presidential 2017. cf. The figaro, 14,02,13, "" I'm not going if no natural candidate is required. Ny and it will not be any, "Sarkozy told even to see past a member in November. "".
Mr Sarkozy is running for what he wants. This application is taking action in public policy action, the political parties. "Natural" or not, that is the candidate of a political party.Political parties are constitutional bodies whose action is defined as;a-At the end of section 4 of the Constitution:"The political parties and groupings contribute to the exercise of suffrage. They form and exercise their activities freely. They must respect the principles of national sovereignty and democracy.
b-The principles of national sovereignty are defined as follows:Preamble: "The French people solemnly proclaim their attachment to human rights and the principles of national sovereignty as they have been defined by the Declaration of 1789, confirmed and complemented by the Preamble of the Constitution of 1946, as well as 'the rights and duties enshrined in the Charter of the Environment 2004. 'c-The principles of national sovereignty as defined by the Declaration are:Article 1Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social distinctions may be founded only on the common utility.Article 2The Company has the right to require of every public agent administration.Article 3Any society in which the guarantee of rights is not assured, nor the separation of powers defined, has no constitution.
B-The PresidencyMr Sarkozy may invoke it uses the political party as a step for the Presidency.It is also a constitutional body. It is defined as follows:
Title II - THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLICARTICLE 5.The President of the Republic shall respect the Constitution. It ensures, by his arbitration, the proper functioning of the public authorities and the continuity of the State.
Title VIII - THE JUDICIAL AUTHORITYARTICLE 64.The President of the Republic is the guarantor of the independence of the judiciary.
Conclusion:We place ourselves in terms of the political party or point of view of one Presidency, a question arises:
How can he consider Mr Sarkozy to seek the votes of the people by providing validation is:a-Du droit de seigneurb-From the subordination of the legislative branch to the Executivec-From the creation of a dual legality in administrative practice-From the subordination of the judiciary to criminal practices of state agents.
These constitutional functions of the activity of political parties, the presidential office, his place in the Constitutional Council, oblige. Registration by Mr Sarkozy's personal action in the constitutional system of the letter makes it to its operation.
Mr Sarkozy can not stand for election who did not respond to the justice of a criminal offense which he is charged heavy by a person qualified to do so, echoed by the press trustworthy, never denied by him same.
3) - The double report crime
Proven programming this application will not be on. She did not ask the question publicly least a dual report to Mr. Sarkozy alleged crime
1 - His relationship with himselfThis pathway is chimerical. He committed the rape voluntarily, in a meeting, knowingly. The goal was actually to show the subjugation of the legislative branch to the executive branch, the superiority regulatory, administrative, legality and judicial authority.He never returned to this mistake he considered a victorious battle on the member and on the state.
2 - The report of the JudicialThe actual place of discussion of a crime is the office of a judge.
Crime alleged Mr Sarkozy is in current crime frameworks endorsed by Bartolone business rankings and Huchon. They do this to force law enforcement officials to recognize their right to override the law, a right reserved for executives and thugs making offices.
The challenge for these managers and their networks primarily intended for judges. They put the judges in the wall of the call. They want to fight, they defy the Republic and they want to win. They think the judges are a weak link.For now, the public concerned may deduct from the quiet assurance that Mr Sarkozy judicial abuse of power is a constitutional standard which prohibits courts to know.
We are witnessing the establishment of a feudal crime. It is not made of breaking the law, but first construction of a parallel law and the division of the population according to the use of these various rights.
Mr Sarkozy is obliged by the constitutional links. He is not entitled to a charge which requires the separation of powers and the right to equality before the law and at the same time apply:A privilege-a rape in the exercise of its mandate.b-blindness particularly in respect of the part of judges he has appointed, so the denial of the separation of powers.
4) - JudgesThe constitutional relationship of Mr Sarkozy oblige. They also bind judges.
Mr. Prosecutor of Paris responds to requests by Mr. Salomone's ranking office and the silence.
This silence is not only Mr. Salomone ever received an answer to his questions in criminal court. It has nothing to do with an assessment of the facts brought to the attention of the judges. This is a Class theorized publicly by Judge Salas researcher.
The same way that judges reduce litigants to divide between those who bite the neck and those who bite the pillow, they fall between subjects and objects judicial proceedings.
For reasons of class and caste, I am a subject for judicial magistrates, as I am an object of pleasure for various personal state.
Marc Salomone can only be the subject of an act of justice to him. It can not be the subject of an inquiry by himself justice as a citizen he is injured, administered or individual.
I was abducted, kidnapped, tortured, with the full participation of the prosecutor Républque, complicity posterior whole hierarchy to make me withdraw complaints of rape and conspiracy to police thugs associated to install them in robbing mentally ill and vulnerable people.I know. I know what I'm talking about in terms of criminality and rulings.
Those on which I question the judges are protected by the silence of the judges. They are also the choice of judicial policies. If Huchon and Associates, Mr. Bartolone Sarkozy, were shizophènes crisis, they have already been exhibited in court and prison in the garbage.
This practice is unconstitutional and unequal justice.
Nothing prevents the opening of a preliminary investigation. Nothing, not even the courage. In Mali, men show for everyone in Paris has yet need honesty.
Please accept, Mr. Prosecutor, insurance Sincerely,

Marc Salomone

PS: The Chained Duck article on the opening of a judicial inquiry into Mr. Cahuzac, Minister for the Budget. This is pathetic.

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